About Me

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I absolutely adore children, and have done since I was a little girl. I am one of five children and a mirror-image twin. I was a project manager but now I am a stay-at-home mum, raising my three children: Thomas (3), Jesiica (2) and Wilson(6 months). I would have lots more children but my husband thinks there is enough mayhem in the Forster household as it is! The main reason for writing this blog is because being a parent these days is hard enough as it is and I'm finding there isn't the support and information to hand. I would llike this blog tobe a central point for all the amazing people I've come across as well as listing useful information for other people to share. I am a very stubborn and determined person. I have been through a very difficult and stressful journey with my children so far and I hope by sharing my experiences you can benefit. I am, of course, always willing to hear your stories too, so please get in touch!

Wednesday, 20 July 2011

So cross at this article...SAHM do not work as hard as working mums Really!!!!

Why do stay at home mothers complain so much?

There are so many mothers that wish they can stay home but have to work, sometimes two jobs to take care of their kids.

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Oh yeah and stay at home mothers don't work as hard as working mothers. Working mothers have to work 8 hours a day and then come home and do what stay-at-home mothers do.
2 years ago
I don't even have children. It just bothers me when I have seen my mother and many other women struggling to work and take of their kids and stay at home moms complain when they don't have it as nearly bad.
2 years ago
For those of you telling me to get a job, I do have a very good job and I am working on my master's degree. I am probably more educated than all of you.
I have worked since I was 16 years old and I am proud of it.

Once I do get married and have children, I am going to appreciate being able to be a stay at home mother because I will know what it is like to have a JOB, something many of you have never had.
2 years ago
To I heart avacados: I was also a caseworker for the Department of Children and Services and it was actually my first job out of college. What's your point?

You women on here are so mad about my comment and I am glad. Maybe you will stop complaining how bad your life is as a stay at home mother. Be grateful and show more appreciation to working mothers.
2 years ago

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker

I worked for the first year of my son's life and I was miserable!!! My son stayed at my mother-in-law's house while my husband and I worked full time jobs.

When my daughter was born, we found out that my mother-in-law was physically abusing my son. We fired her and my husband and I decided that it would be best if I stayed home with the kids.

I love being a stay at home mom! In my circumstance, I believe that working mothers have it harder than I do. I think I have it pretty easy with the kids and every day feels like a weekend. I would NEVER complain about being a SAHM. I love my "job"!
  • 2 years ago

1 comment:

  1. Well a mothers job is 24 hours a day and if you go to work part of it I think that would be classed as having a rest away from the children. SAHM have it very hard because of the following:
    Lose their Identity
    No rest from the children I could go on and I will continue this later!!!!
