About Me

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I absolutely adore children, and have done since I was a little girl. I am one of five children and a mirror-image twin. I was a project manager but now I am a stay-at-home mum, raising my three children: Thomas (3), Jesiica (2) and Wilson(6 months). I would have lots more children but my husband thinks there is enough mayhem in the Forster household as it is! The main reason for writing this blog is because being a parent these days is hard enough as it is and I'm finding there isn't the support and information to hand. I would llike this blog tobe a central point for all the amazing people I've come across as well as listing useful information for other people to share. I am a very stubborn and determined person. I have been through a very difficult and stressful journey with my children so far and I hope by sharing my experiences you can benefit. I am, of course, always willing to hear your stories too, so please get in touch!

Thursday, 25 August 2011

Losing your Identiy once you have become a Parent.

Really, losing your Identity, yes big time. I have been ASAH mum now for three years and boy have I quite frankly had enough. Don't get me wrong this is the best job in the world, you just don't get paid for it. Once upon a time I was a bouncing energetic overenthusiastic career woman who loved going to work. Well not all the time. Now well I cook, clean, look after and nurture my children 24/7. Hard work is not the correct words, just exhausting. I love my kids but it is finally time for some me time. My husband and I have only been out twice in nearly 4 years. We both do not have any hobbies or have friends come over of an evening. It seems like a very lonely life. It is worsted by not having our best friends or family close by.

I have been feeling really low recently and angry. I could not understand why I felt like this until I realised that I feel quite normal and being a STHM will indeed make you feel like you have lost who you are!!!

To be continued.................

1 comment:

  1. Hello!
    My name is also Alison Forster, so I stumbled across your blog when I was vainly googling my own name. My first child is due in May and I will leave my job to become a SAHM, so I enjoyed reading the links you posted. Your children are beautiful! I am worried about how right you are about there not being enough support for parents so I just thought I would drop a note to wish you well. It certainly sounds like you were having a tough time when you wrote this last post. I hope that in the past few years you have found some balance in your life and some time to be yourself again.
